Souls within Good vs Evil

i was told other night i have a beautiful soul actually made my heart melt when he said that he must see something i dont im just being me i was brought up well good manners please and thanks and just be a nice person because it does actually take more to hate then love…

I did it , art shop opened

Okay i been wanting to open a online shop for sometime but never thought i was good enough to do it , but then it dawned on me its artwork and expression of my own personality , most people wont like it but there will be some who will , at the moment im teaching…

Lets talk art

lets talk art the picture you see is the art work of my 15 year old daughter she really is something else shes been drawing since around 7 years old and her skills have developed so fast , not be long and she will be left high school and going to college doing you guessed…

I am such wow look at that moon kinda girl

I always been a wow look at that moon person love the night skies dont really know alot about the moon but what i do know its amazing and very beautiful to look at so many different colors all beautiful in there own right the night skies are very peaceful loved the moon since i…

Maybe , maybe not

Question i have been asking myself recently is will i ever say YES again do i want to put myself through that again i mean marriage to me meant so much my oldest brother is married going on about 19 years maybe more but my mum and dad well they been married for nearly 50…

Day dreaming

There is not one person in the world that doesn’t dream some day dream some have night mares and some have the most wonderful so real dreams , me since my situation and finding myself again ive been dreaming a lot things about whats in the future who im going to let in again after…

How I spent my valentines day this year . 2021

Hope we all had the best time on valentines day , mine was a very different one spent it alone let my hair down an danced like a idiot in my living room 🤣😏 had a few gins of course , it was actually a descent night maybe a little lonely but watched what I…

Starting again 2021

This isn’t the easiest to write but i think its a need for myself to write it down as you all know i was married a guy we spent every waking hour together 12 years making some great memories and some not so good its been 7 months now ive been single rebuilding my life…

Day of rest

Happy Sunday everyone anyone else consider Sundays as a day of rest nothing but lazy around the house in your pjs , while making a Sunday roast ,that takes hours to cook for minutes to devour, I know I haven’t posted in while I hope we are all well and lovin life as much as…

A monster within

2020 was a horrible year for me an my family my ex was a gentle soul or so I and my whole family thought his himself behind a world of smiles an jokes slowing getting darker an his anger showing more an more his mental state was worse his sick an twisted desires to make…

In your own Time

Funny how life works brings you pain also brings you extreme joy, gives you a sense of balance and life is definitely what you make it , some times you can give your all an it’s Still not enough something will always get in the way , an it’s only up to you make to…

Motorbike lover 🏍

Okay I’ve found a new passion , totally in love with motorbikes 🏍 there are so many different types didn’t really realise how beautiful they are untill I started looking 😍 and there isn’t anything sexier than riding on the back of one , I’d love to know how the rider feels because being a…

The little steps

2021 has definitely been a ride so far , new life new friends also regaining old friendships stronger now than ever before , the little steps become bigger ones ,I know i haven’t written in a while thanks for sticking around, I’m back life took me off writing for a little while but I remembered…